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Collagen Plus+

  • Many assume collagen supplements are only taken to beautify hair, skin and nails. While that is entirely true, it's much more beneficial to you than your aesthetics alone. And Collagen Plus+ is more than just collagen...


    Collagen Plus+ combines max joint support with the addition of Hyalaronic Acid . Also added phytoceramides, which not only have been called the “all-natural facelift,” but are also a precursor to collagen production thus reinforcing the collagen. Finally, it also contains Green Tea Extract which is an excellent source of antioxidents. This is without question, the BEST collagen supplement on the market.


    Why Collagen Plus+

    Don't wait on this! It's critical to start early with supplementation of collagen as it is much easier to maintain healthy levels of collagen before you start to see and feel the effects. You'll see the side-effect of decreased collagen in the form of wrinkles and you'll feel it in the form of achy joints. Start now. It's small price to pay for peace of mind. It's Collagen Plus+ so much more.


    Benefits of Collagen Plus+

    Collagen Plus+ is a unique and comprehensive formula to improve skin elasticity and hydration while also lubricating joints and reducing inflammation and deterioration. After age 30, collagen production declines. Supplementing Collagen will provide the following...

    • Contains hydrolyzed collagen with a complete amino acid profile to increase collagen levels.
    • With hyaluronic acid to reduce lines/wrinkles and to hydrate skin.
    • Hyaluronic Acid in combination with collagen also supports healthy joints and connective tissue while preventing deterioration. I recommend it all the time for my chiropractic patients.
    • Contains MSM -Research has shown that MSM is highly effective in improving joint flexibility.
    • Collagen is widely know to support hair and nail growth.
    • Contains the essential mineral copper and vitamin C to knit together collagen and elastin to form stronger, elastic skin.
    • Collagen Improves the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite. It's perfect to add to your HCG protocol. The more weight you lose, the more you need it.
    • Contains phytoceramides to penetrate each of the four dermal layers of skin. Stimulates the production of collagen, which plumps the skin and increases elasticity and encourages a protective barrier against infections and inflammation, helping with problems such as dry skin and sun damage.
    • Formulated with vitamin B6 and B12 for a powerful boost to skin, hair and energy.
    • Strong antioxidant properties


    **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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